

Please note that MCLE will be closed on Monday, 2/17/2025, in observance of Presidents' Day.

The Lawyer as Peacemaker

Make peacemaking your profession with unbundled legal services and innovative dispute resolution tools

  • Product Number: 2170020P01
  • CLE Credits, earn up to:
    6 substantive credits, 1.5 ethics credits CLE Credit Note
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  • Product Description
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  • Product Description

    Product Description

    Think back to the reasons you decided to become a lawyer—was part of your motivation to make the world a better place? Thousands of lawyers have seen that initial vision fade when the day-to-day challenges of making a living as a lawyer compete for their time and attention. 

    In this one-day workshop, legal pioneers Woody Mosten and David Hoffman present a practical model for making peacemaking your profession. This is a participatory workshop—not just talking heads. Participants have a chance to work in small groups to develop their own peacemaking ‘signature’ for their practice and to discuss the personal and ethical dimensions of peacemaking. 

    In addition, participants receive written materials that Woody and David use in their own practices, including model engagement letters, protocols for peacemaking practice, educational materials for clients, checklists, practice tips, and numerous hard-to-find articles on peacemaking. 

    Woody and David are donating their time to present this workshop as a benefit for MCLE’s David A. Hoffman Scholarship Fund. Each year, scholarships from this fund will benefit lawyers who serve the public interest, including practitioners who accept pro bono cases, legal aid staff attorneys, and other deserving lawyers who, without financial assistance, would not be able to attend MCLE programs.

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