MCLE | New England® view in browser
Founded in 1969, MCLE has been a pioneer in the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) landscape of the United States. As a leading innovator and publisher in the CLE domain, we've consistently explored new frontiers in legal education.

In recent times, the advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up exciting and yet challenging possibilities in legal, publishing, and educational spheres. At MCLE, we are embracing AI's transformative potential to revolutionize CLE, recognizing its capacity to streamline processes and enhance our offerings.

And yet as we step into 2024, our vision at MCLE is to craft and implement a model that harnesses the latest AI technology responsibly. We are mindful of the rapid evolution of AI and the current regulatory landscape's challenges. This awareness guides our approach to integrating AI, ensuring we remain at the forefront of change while prioritizing the safety and interests of our volunteers and users.

Our team at MCLE takes pride in our role as a CLE provider. The content we manage is not only crucial to MCLE but is also the culmination of the efforts of numerous lawyers and judges dedicated to the betterment of the legal community. We are excited about leveraging AI to expand the reach and impact of our extensive collection of CLE publications and programs. However, we remain committed to ethical collaborations that amplify our profession in the age of AI, ensuring our partners share our values in respecting the rights and contributions of our volunteers.

Understanding the value of our educational content in the CLE market, we acknowledge our dual role: providing quality education and protecting the integrity of the information we disseminate. At MCLE, we stand firm in our commitment to transparency, accountability, and the responsible management of our volunteers' contributions.

This year marks a significant phase for MCLE, as we delve into the potential of generative AI to further our mission of aiding lawyers in serving their clients and communities with excellence and integrity. We approach this journey with a profound respect for the work of our volunteers and the trust of our customers.

Joining you in welcoming the New Year, the entire MCLE team and I look forward to a future enriched by innovation and guided by responsibility to "Keep Raising the Bar".

Warm regards,
Mark S. Rotondo, Esq.
Executive Director MCLE | New England

PS: This message was generated by humans and an AI bot!


MCLE New England: Keep raising the bar.
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