Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education aims to keep raising the caliber of lawyers' professional and ethical service to their clients and communities, by providing comprehensive and practical continuing legal education of the highest quality to the broadest possible audience.

Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education aims to keep raising the caliber of lawyers' professional and ethical service to their clients and communities, by providing comprehensive and practical continuing legal education of the highest quality to the broadest possible audience.
MCLE—Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc.—is a nonprofit corporation organized pursuant to Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is governed by a board of trustees and assisted by curriculum advisory committees addressing nine distinct areas of legal practice.
MCLE is the Massachusetts legal community's premier provider of hands-on educational programs and reference materials. Its particular focus is applied law: practical, highly concrete training for attorneys in the essential elements of professional practice.
MCLE's mission is to keep raising the caliber of lawyers' professional and ethical service by providing comprehensive and practical continuing legal education of the highest quality to the broadest possible audience. In fulfilling this mission, MCLE presents more than 200 programs annually, in a variety of in-person and online formats; publishes more than 160 practice manuals, available as ebooks as well as in print; and offers an online subscription product (the MCLE OnlinePass®) with unlimited access to all of its webcast programs and its entire book collection.
A not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) educational institution, MCLE relies on membership dues to help subsidize its ongoing research and development and on charitable donations to expand access to continuing legal education. MCLE awards approximately 1,300 tuition scholarships each year to legal services staff attorneys, practitioners accepting pro bono cases, and lawyers certifying financial need.
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2024
Elder and Disability Law in Massachusetts
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Technology 2023
Adapting Legacy A/V Systems to Deliver Cutting-Edge Programs
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Public Interest 2023
Representing Hispanic & Latinx Clients
Steven Leleiko Memorial Award for Professional Excellence 2022
Lowering the Barriers to Participation: Free CLE for Civil Legal Aid Advocates
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Programs 2022
MCLE Estate Planning & Administration MasterClass
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2022
A Drip Marketing Campaign for the MCLE Estate Planning & Administration MasterClass
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Public Interest 2021
Probate and Family Court County-by-County Bench/Bar Conference
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2021
Google Ads on a Budget
Award of Professional Excellence in Technology 2020
Enhancing Website Research Capabilities with Non-MCLE Content
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2020
Using Marketing to Respond to Business Interruption During Crisis
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2019
A Practical Guide to Ethics for Paralegals and Legal Assistants
Award of Professional Excellence in Publications 2018
Hanging Your Shingle: Starting and Operating a Solo or Small Firm Practice
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Technology 2018
Handling IOLTA Accounts and Other Trust Property in Massachusetts: A Training and Testing Module
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Public Interest 2017
Title VI Language Access Conference
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2017
MCLE OnlinePass® Subscriber Alerts
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2016
Data Security and Privacy in Massachusetts
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2016
Enhanced Day-of-Program Sales Efforts
Award of Professional Excellence in Public Interest 2015
Probate & Family Court Lawyer for the Day Training
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2015
MCLE ThisWeek Free Webcasts
Award of Professional Excellence in Public Interest 2014
Legal Services Conference 2013
Award of Professional Excellence in Marketing 2014
MCLE OnlinePass® Telemarketing Campaign
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2014
Collaborative Law: Practice and Procedures
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2013
International Judicial Assistance: Serving Process, Obtaining Evidence, Enforcing Judgments and Awards
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Technology 2013
MCLE OnlinePass® All-Access Streaming CLE & Online Library
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2013
Accelerated Subscriber List-Building for Publications
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Technology 2012
Automated Online Program Materials & Evaluations
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2011
A Practical Guide to Discovery and Depositions in Rhode Island
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Technology 2011
MCLE eBooks
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2010
MCLE WebBriefs
Award of Professional Excellence in Programming 2009
Guns, Drugs and Money
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2009
College and University Law
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2009
MCLE New Lawyer Advantage Campaign
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Programming 2008
Wealth Management BootCamp for Lawyers
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2007
E-Mail Newsletter—Weekly Practice Tip and Calendar
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Public Interest Projects 2005
MLRI Accessing Affordable Housing for Low-Income People
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2005
Book Collection Flow Charts
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Programming 2004
Spanish 101 for Lawyers
Award of Professional Excellence in Marketing 2004
New Lawyer Promotion at Swearing-In Ceremony
Award of Professional Excellence in Programming 2003
CPCS Sex Offender Notification and Registration/SDP Commitment Training
Award of Professional Excellence in Publications 2003
Legal Rights of Individuals with Disabilities
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Public Interest Projects 2003
VLP Senior Partners for Justice Initiative
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 2002
Cover Designs That Sell Books
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Programming 2001
MCAD Certified Discrimination Prevention Training Program
Award for Professional Excellence in Public Interest Projects 2001
MLRI Lobbying on a Shoestring
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 2000
Election Administration, Campaign Finance and Lobbying Law
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Technology 2000
PLI Interactive Groupcasts
Award of Professional Excellence in Marketing 2000
A Taste of MCLE—Introduction of MCLE to New Lawyers
Award of Professional Excellence in Public Interest Projects 1999
Civil Legal Services Advocacy Series
Award of Professional Excellence in Marketing 1999
"Grow Your Associates"—Professional Development Planning
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 1998
Massachusetts Superior Court Civil Practice Series—Practice Manual, Forms, and Jury Instructions
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Programming 1997
Hanging Your Shingle—Establishing, Developing and Running a Law Practice
Award of Professional Excellence in Programming 1996
Massachusetts Environmental Justice Network Training
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 1996
MLRI Advocate's Guide to Surviving the SSI System
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 1996
Special Edition Seminar Catalogs
Award of Professional Excellence in Programming 1995
Why She Doesn't Leave—G.L. c. 209A
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 1995
Obtaining and Using Medical Records in Massachusetts
Award of Professional Excellence in Programming 1994
On Trial with Judge Young
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 1994
Massachusetts Legal Directory
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 1994
Massachusetts Legal Directory
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Publications 1993
Trying Drug Cases in Massachusetts
Award of Outstanding Achievement in Marketing 1993
New Lawyer's Kit

Each year, the Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA), an international association of CLE professionals, presents its "ACLEA's Best" Awards to recognize creativity, innovation, excellence, and outstanding achievement in the categories of marketing, programs, publications, public interest, and technology. MCLE is proud to have received awards in each of the five categories and to be recognized consistently by its professional colleagues around the world as one of the best in what we do.
Originally conceived as a committee of the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA), MCLE was incorporated in 1969 as a joint venture of the MBA and the Boston Bar Association (BBA). (In 1976, MCLE merged with the New England Law Institute, gaining a history of CLE dating from 1953.)
MCLE operated from a number of locations in the first two decades after its formation, but in the early 1990s it truly found a home, at Ten Winter Place in Boston's Downtown Crossing. Adapted from a former bank facility and colonial-era residence, MCLE's conference center features a state-of-the-art 342-seat auditorium, along with additional classrooms, conference space, a bookstore, and administrative offices.
Twenty-two presidents, from a variety of practice backgrounds and professional experiences, have helped lead MCLE over its first several decades, as the organization has continued to work on developing the best methods, resources, and products to meet the educational needs of the legal community. Established primarily as a seminar provider, MCLE went on to develop one of the nation's most extensive collections of legal practice publications. In recent years, to meet the changing practice needs of the bar, MCLE has offered an impressive array of electronic resources, including webcasts, ebooks, a resource intensive website environment, and an online subscription product, the MCLE OnlinePass®. MCLE has also expanded its publication program into other New England states, with offerings in Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Maine.
As MCLE moves forward, an unflagging pursuit of its educational mission and an ability to change with the needs of the bar will continue to define its path.
We are currently accepting applications for:
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Customer Service Team Positions
MCLE is currently seeking dynamic candidates to join our Customer Service Team, including a Sales & Membership Coordinator and a Customer Service Representative.
See the job postings on Indeed for full details and to apply.
Freelance Legal Researcher/Writer/Attorney
Attorneys sought for part-time freelance assignments requiring cite checking and other legal research in a variety of practice areas. Position requires excellent legal research and writing skills, knowledge of Bluebook citation style, and access to electronic legal research databases (contractor does not provide access or pay expenses). Law practice experience preferred. Each project has a one-week to one-month turnaround, depending on the job. New projects may be assigned throughout the year.
To apply, send a resume and cover letter to