
An intensive, broad-based course of study that guides you step-by-step through the
essentials of estate planning and administration, and leads to a certificate of completion*


The MCLE Estate Planning & Administration MasterClass helps you master the essential skills needed to bring your practice to the next level. Designed to be completed at your own pace within three years, the curriculum begins with a curated series of foundational programs taught online by some of the most skilled practitioners in Massachusetts, reinforces your knowledge with specially designed, interactive learning modules, and culminates in a capstone project where you pull together everything you've learned by outlining an estate plan and assembling the relevant documents. To complete your capstone, you're paired with an expert estate planner who mentors you throughout the experience, reviews your final project, and provides you with personalized, practical feedback.

This intensive course of study builds on MCLE programs and publications developed by more than 200 leaders of the estate planning bar in Massachusetts. Through your engagement in this program, you'll be able to:

  • Deepen your knowledge and advance your skills with extensive training in estate planning and administration
  • Receive practical resources and guidance
  • Receive personalized, one-on-one feedback and mentoring from an expert practitioner
  • Earn a certificate of completion* suitable for framing and a badge you can post to your firm website
  • Enhance your credibility and increase your confidence in serving your clients

This program is rigorous. In the true spirit of master class-style training, it takes a serious commitment. But its benefits are many—your time and effort are rewarded with an unparalleled educational experience.


Foundational Programs

Complete a total of 66 hours of instruction by watching these six foundational MCLE BasicsPlus!® webcasts on the fundamentals of estate planning and administration:

  • Estate Planning
  • Estate, Gift & Generation-Skipping Tax
  • Income Taxation of Estates & Trust
  • Understanding & Using Trusts
  • Will & Trust Drafting
  • Probate Practice

Each webcast is accompanied by a self-test that must be successfully completed to satisfy the MCLE MasterClass requirement. Attendance at any of these programs prior to enrollment in the Estate Planning MasterClass— as reflected in MCLE's records—will count toward your requirements once you've completed the companion self-test.

Interactive Learning Modules

Complete the following six interactive training modules (a total of approximately six hours) to reinforce the fundamentals of estate planning and adminstration presented in the foundational programs.

  • Engagement with Clients
  • Planning for the Disposition of Property: Wills & Trusts
  • Planning for Transfer Taxes
  • Health & Incapacity Planning
  • Probate Practice
  • Selected Topics in Estate Planning

These modules are online and include learning objectives, video clips to reinforce key concepts, pop quizzes to check your understanding, and sample documents to illustrate the subjects being addressed.

Capstone Project

The MCLE Estate Planning MasterClass culminates with a capstone exercise requiring analysis of a hypothetical client matter for which you prepare an outline of an estate plan, address relevant issues, and assemble related documents.

Based on the provided hypothetical, you outline the strategic approach and structure of an estate plan. Drawing from the multitude of clauses and forms available to you as part of your OnlinePass subscription and lessons learned throughout the MasterClass, you assemble documents that fully address the client's present and future objectives, needs, contingencies, challenges, and problems—just like in practice.

Personalized Expert Feedback

When you have completed all other requirements and embark upon the capstone project, you are matched with an estate planning expert who is available to provide guidance as you progress through the final project. Once you submit your capstone project, MCLE will schedule an online meeting with your mentor so that you can receive direct, practical feedback on your strategic approach, structure, and assemblage of documents. You will also receive a model set of expertly prepared documents pertaining to the hypothetical fact pattern.


  • Extensive training. Assure your clients that you have received extensive training in estate planning and administration matters and distinguish yourself from other practitioners.
  • Results-oriented learning. After completing the programs and modules, analyze a hypothetical fact pattern, prepare an estate plan, and assemble related documents so as to maximize your learning and demonstrate your skills.
  • Personalized expert feedback. Receive one-on-one feedback throughout the capstone project from an experienced estate planning attorney. It's like having a mentor guide you—personally—to a deeper understanding of the concepts and techniques you need to know. A unique learning proposition!
  • Model documents and essential forms to build your practice. Download the sample documents used in the learning modules to illustrate relevant subjects, and access over 1,000 other estate planning checklists and forms available through your MCLE OnlinePass® subscription. At the end of the program, receive a model set of expertly prepared documents pertaining to the capstone hypothetical.
  • Certificate of completion and website badge. Obtain your certificate of completion, suitable for framing, and a badge that you can post to your website page. Both certificate and badge display the year in which you complete the program.
  • Learn at your own pace. Complete your MCLE MasterClass within three years on the dates and times most convenient for you.


$895.00 plus an MCLE OnlinePass® subscription

To see your personal enrollment and completion requirements, and enroll, please SIGN IN to your MCLE account


Requirements: Complete the foundational programs and learning modules designated for the Estate Planning & Administration MasterClass and a final capstone project. Maintain an active subscription to the MCLE OnlinePass® throughout the course of study.

The MCLE Estate Planning MasterClass is fully online. Once enrolled, you'll receive a link to your personal transcript page where you track your progress and access each required component—the foundational programs, including the accompanying "Test What You've Learned" quizzes; the interactive learning modules; and the final capstone project, including the review session with your assigned mentor.

Record keeping: You can check your status at any time by signing into your account at There, you can view your transcript to identify your progress on each requirement toward successful completion of the MCLE Estate Planning MasterClass.

Foundational programs attended prior to MCLE MasterClass enrollment: Foundational programs you attended before signing up for the MCLE MasterClass count toward the course requirements if you successfully complete the companion self-test.

Time for completion of the program: You must complete all requirements within three years of the date you enroll in the class.

*Lawyer Advertising: The certificate provided reflects only completion of the called-for course of study. MCLE is a private organization, whose standards are not regulated by a state authority or the American Bar Association. MCLE does not certify the competence or qualifications of anyone who obtains the certificate of completion, nor does it suggest that those who obtain the certificate of completion may hold themselves out as "specialists" under Mass. R. Prof. C. 7.4(b) or as having received certification in estate planning.