5th Annual Super Marketing Conference 2015
Co-sponsored by Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program (LOMAP) and the American Bar Association Law Practice Division (ABA)

- Product Number: 2150341P01
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Product Description
Law firm marketing, in 2015, is a whole different ball of wax—especially compared to what it was, even five years ago. Before web-based marketing mastered the public consciousness, lawyers could 'hang shingles' and expect client traffic to commence; law firms could place advertisements in paper publications, without ever reconsidering self-publication alternatives; attorneys viewed websites as luxuries. The rise of the internet, most especially social media, has led to a sea change in the way in which professionals market their services. Traditional advertisements have morphed into two-way conversations; engagement is the new touchstone. Law firms no longer need to uncover publication sources, when blogs have become a standard medium in legal, and where the reach of those blogs can be expanded through leveraging social media accounts. The revised shopfront is an effective website, buttressed by a robust, continually expanding social presence. Time was, lawyers could count their marketing efforts on one hand; but, modern law firm marketing is a Hydra. The question is how to master the beast, and convert it into an efficient selling machine.
Agenda & Materials
What Works and Doesn’t Work: Online Law Firm Marketing in 2015
on demand video Add to CartLarry Port, Rocket Matter LLC , Boca Raton
Top Tips for Marketing a New Law Practice Panel Discussion
on demand video Add to CartGabriel Cheong, Esq., Infinity Law Group LLC , Quincy
Jeffrey M. Lally, Esq., Hub Law Group PC , Hanover
Melissa A. Levine-Piro, Esq., Hera Law Group , Maynard
Julie M. Tolek, Esq., Dilworth IP , New Haven
Lunchtime Speech: A Start-Up Marketing Success Story
on demand video Add to CartEdward J. Walters, Fastcase, Inc. , Washington
Online Law Firm Marketing Panel Discussion Larry Port
on demand video Add to CartLarry Port, Rocket Matter LLC , Boca Raton
Taylor TenBrook, Rocket Matter LLC , Boca Raton
Panel on Social Media
on demand video Add to CartMelissa A. Conner, Esq., Connor Law Offices , Charlestown
Jennifer Irvine, Bowditch & Dewey LLP , Framingham
Niche Marketing Panel Discussion
on demand video Add to CartLisa R. Woodford, Paris Social Media Marketing , Shrewsbury
Robert G. Young, Esq., Bowditch & Dewey LLP , Framingham
Kevin O'Keefe,
- Faculty