
Representing Micro Brewers

Learn the legal and business craft

  • Product Number: 2180074P01
  • CLE Credits, earn up to:
    3 substantive credits, 0 ethics credits CLE Credit Note
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    Product Description

    There are more craft brewers in the United States today than there have ever been. New craft brewers are opening at a national rate of two per day. The craft brew share of the overall beer market has been increasing year over year to push this segment of the market to over $22 billion. Massachusetts mirrors this explosive national trend with the number of craft brewers in the Commonwealth doubling in less than five years. Such rapid, modern expansion in this arena is coupled with a post-prohibition era legal framework of federal, state, and local regulation that requires sound legal counsel to help entrepreneurs establish, capitalize, operate, and expand their businesses within the boundaries of the law.

    Learn about the business of craft brewing in Massachusetts, and how a multi-disciplinary team of advisors is essential to help these businesses achieve their goals. The panel features business and licensing law experts, a lender to craft brewers, and an industry veteran. Bring your questions to join the dialogue. Cheers to expanding your practice!

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