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Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation

Construction law and practice from the ground up

  • Product Number: 2224724WCH
  • Publication Date: 7/6/2022
  • Edition: 2nd Edition 2018, with 2020 & 2022 Supplement
  • Copyright: © 2022 MCLE, Inc.
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  • Product Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Editors & Authors
  • Product Description

    Product Description

    There are at least as many legal perspectives on construction as there are stages in the actual construction process. Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation takes a comprehensive approach to the subject, beginning with the preparation and negotiation of private and public construction contracts. It then takes on the legal issues that arise in setting up and operating a construction project, such as bonds, insurance, liens, and disputes as to the parties' performance. The book concludes with a series of issues relating to construction litigation—contract claims, tort claims, and damages—with tips you can use in your practice.

    Recent updates:

    • Update: June 2022

      Dear Subscriber:

      Thank you for updating your reference library with the 2022 Supplement to Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation. This version brings enhanced guidance within your immediate reach—for fast answers to the questions that arise most frequently in your practice.

      Highlights from among the developments reflected in this supplement include

      • a recent case holding that a contract provision purporting to waive or limit the Massachusetts Prompt Pay Act is unenforceable;
      • cases holding that project-specific waivers of consequential damages are enforceable under Massachusetts law;
      • a 2022 Supreme Judicial Court case and other authorities holding that limitation-of-liability provisions, while enforceable with respect to negligence and unintentional breaches of contract, will not be enforced with respect to bad faith conduct, willfully inflicted harm, unfair or deceptive conduct, or gross negligence;
      • a recent case addressing the distinction between employees and independent contractors;
      • a review of the range of regulations and statutes that apply to construction projects—such as safety standards, prompt pay and retainage requirements, and limitations on indemnity—and the types of agreements negotiated by the parties based on standard contract forms and common law principles, including no-damage-for-delay clauses and distinctions between excusable and inexcusable delay;
      • the requirements for recovery under contract and in quantum meruit;
      • a discussion of the scope of the statute of repose set forth at G.L. c. 269, § 2B, including a review of several recent cases;
      • a substantially revised discussion of construction-related tort claims; and
      • a recent First Circuit case upholding the admission of a traffic engineering expert's testimony despite shortcomings in the proponent's discovery disclosures.

      With this latest supplement, Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation remains an essential companion for any lawyer handling a construction-related matter in the Commonwealth.

      We at MCLE thank you for your ongoing support of this product, as we continue our efforts to bring you the latest solutions to the issues you face in your practice.

      Very truly yours,

      John M. Lawlor, Esq., MCLE Publications Attorney

    • Update: May 2020

      Dear Subscriber:

      Thank you for updating your reference library with the 2020 Supplement to Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation. This version brings the latest in guidance on this area of the law within your immediate reach—for fast answers to the questions that arise most frequently in your practice.

      Highlights from among the developments reflected in this supplement include

      • a Supreme Judicial Court opinion establishing that, aside from breaches specifically related to design and construction, ordinary contract principles would apply to contractors' quantum meruit claims;
      • increases in the threshold dollar amounts applicable to the Designer Selection Board's review procedures;
      • standards for determining whether workers are subject to the Independent Contractor Law;
      • updates to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges;
      • newly added discussions of the requirement that damages be quantifiable and standards for enforcing liquidated damages provisions;
      • an expanded discussion of the mode-of-operation approach applicable to slip-and-fall cases;
      • recording requirements applicable to mechanic's lien claimants; and •
      • construction litigation.

      With this latest supplement, Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation remains an essential companion for any lawyer handling a construction-related matter in the Commonwealth.

      We at MCLE thank you for your ongoing support of this product, as we continue our efforts to bring you the latest solutions to the issues you face in your practice.

      Very truly yours,

      John M. Lawlor, Esq., MCLE Publications Attorney

    • Update: May 2018

      Dear Subscriber:

      Thank you for updating your reference library with the 2018 edition of Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation. This new edition brings the latest in guidance on this area of the law within your immediate reach—for fast answers to the questions that arise most frequently in your practice.

      Highlights from among the developments reflected in this edition include

      • passage of the Municipal Modernization Act, which established a more efficient process for procurement on smaller construction projects, changes in the dollar thresholds for vertical and horizontal projects, and provisions for the use of blanket vendor contracts or statewide contracts administered through the Operational Services Division;
      • updates to the discussion of the designer selection process and other procurement provisions for public construction contracts;
      • a recent Appeals Court decision barring the application of a general contractor's no-damages-for-delay clause when the subcontractor had been foreclosed from invoking contractual provisions for extensions of time;
      • amendments to standard American Institute of Architects (AIA) documents and discussion of their application to construction projects;
      • recent case law on the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing; and
      • an expanded discussion of exceptions to the "pay if paid" provisions of the Massachusetts Prompt Payment Act.

      With this latest update, Massachusetts Construction Law and Litigation remains an essential companion for any lawyer handling a construction-related matter in the Commonwealth.

      We at MCLE thank you for your ongoing support of this product, as we continue our efforts to bring you the latest solutions to the issues you face in your practice.

      Very truly yours,

      John M. Lawlor, Esq., MCLE Publications Attorney

  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    expand all
    Chapter 1 expand

    Checklist 1.1

    - Checklist of Key Construction Contract Provisions for Owners and General Contractors Buy Form

    Checklist 1.2

    - Checklist of Key Construction Contract Provisions Between General Contractors and Subcontractors Buy Form
    Chapter 2 expand

    Construction Law in the Public Sector

    Buy Chapter
    Chapter 3 expand

    Private and Public Construction Contract Performance Issues

    Buy Chapter
    Drew W. Colby, Esq., Kenney & Sams, PC
    Chapter 4 expand

    Exhibit 4A

    - Sample Performance-Bond Form Buy Form

    Exhibit 4B

    - Miller Act Performance Bond Buy Form
    Chapter 5 expand

    The Massachusetts Mechanic’s Lien Law

    Buy Chapter

    Checklist 5.1

    - Section 2 Mechanic’s Lien—Direct Contract with Owner Buy Form

    Checklist 5.2

    - Section 2C Mechanic’s Lien—The Design Professional with a Direct Contract with the Owner Buy Form

    Checklist 5.3

    - Section 2D Mechanic’s Lien—The Design Professional with a Contract with the Section 2C Design Professional Buy Form

    Checklist 5.4

    - Section 4 Mechanic’s Lien—Direct Contract with Person Who Has Contract with Owner Buy Form

    Checklist 5.5

    - Section 4 Mechanic’s Lien—Remote Contract with Someone Who Does Not Have Contract with Owner Buy Form

    Checklist 5.6

    - Section 1 Mechanic’s Lien—Personal Labor—Wages and Benefits Buy Form

    Exhibit 5A

    - Notice of Substantial Completion Buy Form

    Exhibit 5B

    - Notice of Termination Buy Form

    Exhibit 5C

    - Notice of Contract, G.L. c. 254, § 2D Buy Form

    Exhibit 5D

    - Notice of Identification Buy Form

    Exhibit 5E

    - Blanket “No-Lien” Bond Buy Form

    Exhibit 5F

    - Target Lien Dissolution Bond Buy Form

    Exhibit 5G

    - Partial Waiver and Subordination of Lien Buy Form

    Exhibit 5H

    - Notice of Dissolution of Lien Buy Form

    Exhibit 5I

    - Notice of Contract, G.L. c. 254, § 2 Buy Form

    Exhibit 5J

    - Statement of Account Buy Form

    Exhibit 5K

    - Massachusetts Deed Indexing Standards: Document Formatting Standards Buy Form

    Exhibit 5L

    - Notice of Contract, G.L. c. 254, § 2C Buy Form

    Exhibit 5M

    - Notice of Contract, G.L. c. 254, § 4 Buy Form
    Chapter 6 expand

    Insurance Issues in Construction Projects

    Buy Chapter
    Katherine A. Foote, Esq., Department of Agricultural Resources, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
    Michael Herlihy, Ames & Gough Insurance and Risk Management

    Exhibit 6A

    - Sample Insurance Provisions for Owner to Request of Architect Buy Form
    Chapter 8 expand

    Checklist 8.1

    - Initial Interview Topics for Construction Site Accident Case Buy Form

    Exhibit 8A

    - Authorization for the Release of Employment Records Buy Form

    Exhibit 8B

    - Sample Letter to Obtain Documents from Public Entities Buy Form

    Exhibit 8C

    - Sample Letter Demanding Disclosure of Applicable Policy Limits Buy Form

    Exhibit 8D

    - Sample Tender Letter Buy Form

    Exhibit 8E

    - Sample Supplemental Tender Letter Buy Form

    Exhibit 8F

    - Sample Demand Letter Buy Form

    Exhibit 8G

    - Sample Schedule “A” to Workers’ Compensation Insurer’s Subpoena Buy Form

    Exhibit 8H

    - Sample Schedule “A” to an Employer Subpoena Buy Form

    Exhibit 8I

    - Sample Schedule “A” to a Police Subpoena Buy Form

    Exhibit 8J

    - Sample Motion for Conviction and Probation Records of the Plaintiff Buy Form

    Exhibit 8K

    - Sample Motion to Permit Third-Party Defendant to Subpoena Psychological Records Buy Form

    Exhibit 8L

    - Sample Set of Interrogatories (Plaintiff Fall from Roof) Buy Form

    Exhibit 8M

    - Sample Request for Production of Documents (Plaintiff Fall from Roof) Buy Form

    Exhibit 8N

    - Sample Request for Production of Documents (Plaintiff Injured Operating Lift) Buy Form

    Exhibit 8O

    - Sample Request for Admissions Buy Form

    Exhibit 8P

    - Request for Written Statements Buy Form

    Exhibit 8Q

    - Sample Plaintiff Deposition Questions Buy Form

    Exhibit 8R

    - Sample Request for Admissions Directed to Indemnification and Additional-Insured Issues Buy Form
    Chapter 9 expand

    Damages in Construction Litigation

    Buy Chapter
    Chapter 10 expand

    Litigation Against Design Professionals

    Buy Chapter
  • Editors & Authors