MLRI: Utilities--Advocacy for Low-Income Households in Massachusetts
Basic Public Benefits Advocacy Trainings

- Product Number: 2220089P01
CLE Credits, earn up to:
2 substantive credits, 0 ethics credits CLE Credit Note -
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Product Description
This training covers the broad range of topics that arise when low-income households are trying to initiate or protect their utility service, as well as pay their non-utility energy bills (oil, propane). Topics include: how to start service and protect service from termination, how to restore terminated service, how to get on the low-income discount rate, payment plans and arrearage management programs, funding sources that help pay utility bills, avoiding overpriced energy supply contracts, helping victims of domestic violence and crimes, and advocating for clients at the Department of Public Utilities. Training materials include Utilities Advocacy for Low-income Households in Massachusetts. All materials will be available on the NCLC website. This training is designed for anyone working in the field and helping low-income clients with their utility problems, including social workers, housing search workers, elder advocates, immigration advocates, domestic violence program staff, community action program staff, and lawyers.A COLLABORATIVE SERIES
MCLE, the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI), and other Massachusets legal services programs collaborate to provide annual basic public benefits advocacy training events for the many public and private sector lawyers and community advocates who assist Massachusetts residents to qualify for and receive public benefits. Detailed materials are distributed electronically for all trainings.
- Agenda
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