25th Annual Employment Law Conference 2022
Everything new affecting practice after a precedent-setting year

- Product Number: 2230024P01
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MCLE is pleased to offer this program to an in-person audience in our Boston conference center in addition to the live and recorded webcasts. Masks are encouraged.
Employment law witnessed myriad significant changes this year; efficiently catch up on all the developments at MCLE—and gain strategic insight about emerging trends.While class action wage and hour claims have been increasing for more than a decade, developments under the MA Wage Act have made an already powerful statute even more fertile ground for employment disputes. Hear about updates in wage and hour law under the FLSA and the MA Wage Act. Learn how management-side lawyers have been advising employers and defending claims, and how employee-side lawyers have been pursuing claims and advising clients.
The pandemic generated a proliferation of new employment laws and issues—and forever changed the workplace and expectations around it. From work hours to remote work to vaccine requirements, the world "after" is riddled with employment law challenges. Hear how lawyers on both sides of the aisle have been advising clients and evaluating legal claims in this transformed landscape.
2022 is the year for upsetting settled legal theories and precedent. Among others, the sweeping deference anticipated in matters involving the Federal Arbitration Act was blunted by Congress' ending of forced arbitration in sexual harassment claims. Similarly, growth in care-giving responsibilities and religious accommodations were transformative hallmarks of this year. Be in the know.
Proceedings now occur anywhere; expectations to be in-person at an office, agency, or courthouse are redolent of days gone by. Virtual proceedings are here to stay. Hear about when—and whether—to agree to conduct a proceeding virtually, and best practices for conducting them. Bring your candid questions and learn the best strategies for success, as well as traps for the unwary.
In-Person Exclusive Feature: In-person attendees will be automatically entered into a drawing for free 6-month MCLE OnlinePass subscription!
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