This program presents an essential analysis and in-depth discussion of the many components inherent in Category E & F guardian ad litem appointments and their practical applications for guardians ad litem and attorneys. This year’s training focuses on writing skills, as well as subpoena and deposition issues facing GALs; and Massachusetts removal and modification standards. Practice tips are offered by seasoned Category E and F GALs and Probate and Family Court judges and staff.
For Current Category E & Category F List Members: If you are currently on the Probate and Family Court’s Category E or Category F Fee-Generating Appointment List, you are required to take the yearly CLE as set forth by the AOPFC. The live webcast, the recorded webcast, and the on demand webcast of this program all fulfill the requirement to remain on the list for 2025, as long as you complete the required prompts and submit the required documentation to by December 2, 2024.
Note: To obtain continuing education credits to meet your requirements to stay on the Category E or Category F list for 2025, you must choose the “Prompts” option when you click the link to begin the live webcast, the recorded webcast, and the on demand webcast and click all prompts as they appear during the program.
MCLE webcasts are delivered completely online, underscoring their convenience and appeal. There are no published print materials. All written materials are available electronically only. They are posted 24 hours prior to the program and can be accessed, downloaded, or printed from your computer.