Intersection Between Transactional Lawyering & Family Law
How to collaborate with your experts

- Product Number: 2250290P01
CLE Credits, earn up to:
2 substantive credits, 0 ethics credits CLE Credit Note - Print Brochure
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Product Description
Often divorce lawyers are confronted with complex tax, real estate, business, and IP issues. This program addresses collaboration with transactional lawyers; when to engage such lawyers to assist in matters outside of a family lawyer’s comfort zone; when and whom to engage with respect to complex corporate issues; understanding common incentive equity interests for startups and technology companies (including restricted stock and stock options); and understanding and valuing certain assets, including business entities and intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and royalties.
Although only a small percentage of divorce cases are tried to conclusion, successful domestic relations practitioners must be prepared to try cases or successfully negotiate a settlement and often require transactional expertise outside of their own expertise as divorce lawyers. This program helps you improve your techniques by giving you the unique opportunity to observe transactional lawyers specializing in corporate law, intellectual property, and commercial real estate, as well as professions in the area of complex tax issues related to these assets.
The expert faculty present and analyze case scenarios with a judge. They discuss techniques and strategy considerations in assessing discovery, determining value of corporate interests, intellectual property, and commercial real estate, and discuss drafting of documents often outside the expertise of law practices specializing in divorce.
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