
Advanced Financial & Tax Concepts in Divorce Law: Defining Income

from Advanced Financial & Tax Concepts in Divorce Law

  • Recorded 11/1/2023
  • Add to Favorites List


Alexander D. Jones, Esq., Brick, Jones, McBrien & Hickey LLP, Needham
Wendy O. Hickey, Esq., Brick, Jones, McBrien & Hickey LLP, Needham
Marc D. Bello, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF, Willamett Management Associates, Boston

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  • Alexander D. Jones, Esq., Brick, Jones, McBrien & Hickey LLP, Needham , Chair
  • Wendy O. Hickey, Esq., Brick, Jones, McBrien & Hickey LLP, Needham , Chair
  • Marc D. Bello, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF, Willamett Management Associates, Boston , Chair
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