26th Annual Employment Law Conference 2023
Everything new affecting practice after a precedent-setting year

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26th Annual Employment Law Conference 2023
Everything new affecting practice after a precedent-setting year
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- Product Description
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Product Description
Product Description
Available in-person at MCLE's Conference Center and via live webcast.
Employment law witnessed myriad significant changes this year; efficiently catch up on all the developments at MCLE—and gain strategic insight about emerging trends.
Agenda & Materials
9:00 - 9:15 am
9:15 - 9:20 am
Welcome and Introduction
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9:15 - 10:00 am
Discrimination Law Update
on demand video Add to CartNeil V. McKittrick, Esq., Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC , Boston
Jody L. Newman, Esq., Lovett O'Brien LLP , Boston
Monica R. Shah, Esq., Zalkind, Duncan & Bernstein LLP , Boston
Neil V. McKittrick, Esq., Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC , Boston
Jody L. Newman, Esq., Lovett O'Brien LLP , Boston
Monica R. Shah, Esq., Zalkind, Duncan & Bernstein LLP , Boston
9:20 - 11:20 am
Survey of Cases: Significant Jurisprudence for Massachusetts Attorneys
10:00 - 11:00 am
Employment Law: Contract, Tort, Wage and Hour, and Legislative Update
on demand video Add to CartKathleen A. Berney, Esq., Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP , Boston
Gavriela M. Bogin-Farber, Esq., Segal Roitman LLP , Boston
Stéphanie Smith, Esq., Casner & Edwards LLP , Boston
Kathleen A. Berney, Esq., Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP , Boston
Gavriela M. Bogin-Farber, Esq., Segal Roitman LLP , Boston
Stéphanie Smith, Esq., Casner & Edwards LLP , Boston
Environmental Permitting Litigation
on demand video Add to CartEnvironmental and land use litigation, including jurisdiction, standing, procedure, discovery, expert witnesses, remedies, and important holdings -
11:00 - 11:15 am
Subdivision and Zoning Cases
on demand video Add to CartPresentation of the leading Supreme Judicial Court, Appeals Court, Land Court, and Superior Court decisions dealing with the Subdivision Control Act and the Zoning Act -
11:15 - 12:15 pm
Update on the Legal Issues Surrounding Non-Competition Agreements and Other Restrictive Covenants
on demand video Add to CartRussell Beck, Esq., Beck Reed Riden LLP , Boston
C. Max Perlman, Esq., Gunderson Dettmer , Boston
Katherine E. Perrelli, Esq., Seyfarth Shaw LLP , Boston
Jeffrey S. Siegel, Esq., Morgan, Brown & Joy LLP , Boston
Russell Beck, Esq., Beck Reed Riden LLP , Boston
C. Max Perlman, Esq., Gunderson Dettmer , Boston
Katherine E. Perrelli, Esq., Seyfarth Shaw LLP , Boston
Jeffrey S. Siegel, Esq., Morgan, Brown & Joy LLP , Boston
DEP & Home Rule Cases
on demand video Add to CartAn annual compilation of state environmental agency rulings, DEP administrative cases, and court decisions on wetlands and other topics, plus court rulings under municipal House Rule environmental bylaws. -
12:15 - 1:15 pm
Lunch (on your own)
40B Cases
on demand video Add to CartCourt Cases related to affordable housing projects under G.L. c. 40B and other land use cases -
1:15 - 2:15 pm
MCAD Tips to Better Your Practice & Q&A Session
on demand video Add to CartLiliana Palacios-Baldwin, Esq., Tufts University , Medford
Eric Allbright, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Jason B. Barshak, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Kenneth Callahan, II, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Deirdre A. Hosler, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Michael D. Memmolo, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Michael A. Zeytoonian, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
11:20 - 11:30 pm
Networking and Refreshment Break
Liliana Palacios-Baldwin, Esq., Tufts University , Medford
Eric Allbright, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Jason B. Barshak, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Kenneth Callahan, II, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Deirdre A. Hosler, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Michael D. Memmolo, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Michael A. Zeytoonian, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Desiree Y. Murphy, Esq., CVS, Pharmacy/Legal Dept , Woonsocket
Paige Walker McKissock, Esq., Segal Roitman LLP , Boston
2:15 - 3:15 pm
Impact of Changing Interpretations and Applications of the NLRA and Other Labor Law Issues That Every Employment Lawyer Needs to Know
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11:30 - 12:30 pm
Government Updates: U.S Environmental Protection Agency and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Desiree Y. Murphy, Esq., CVS, Pharmacy/Legal Dept , Woonsocket
Paige Walker McKissock, Esq., Segal Roitman LLP , Boston
3:15 - 3:30 pm
EPA Update
on demand video Add to CartNew regulations and program initiatives at the EPA, including air, water, hazardous waste, and climate changeKatherine G. Rigby, Esq., Epstein Becker & Green , Boston
James S. Weliky, Esq., Messing, Rudavsky & Weliky, PC , Newton
Ellen J. Zucker, Esq., Zucker Law Group , Boston
3:30 - 4:15 pm
MassDEP Update
on demand video Add to CartCurrent program initiatives and priorities for permitting and enforcementKatherine G. Rigby, Esq., Epstein Becker & Green , Boston
James S. Weliky, Esq., Messing, Rudavsky & Weliky, PC , Newton
Ellen J. Zucker, Esq., Zucker Law Group , Boston
4:15 - 5:00 pm
How to Try Your Case to a Jury
on demand video Add to CartPatrick J. Hannon, Esq., Hartley Michon Robb Hannon LLP , Boston
Lynn A. Kappelman, Esq., Seyfarth Shaw LLP , Boston
Robert L. Kilroy, Esq., Mirick, O'Connell, DeMallie & Lougee LLP , Westborough
Rebecca G. Pontikes, Esq., Pontikes Law LLC , Boston
Patrick J. Hannon, Esq., Hartley Michon Robb Hannon LLP , Boston
Lynn A. Kappelman, Esq., Seyfarth Shaw LLP , Boston
Robert L. Kilroy, Esq., Mirick, O'Connell, DeMallie & Lougee LLP , Westborough
Rebecca G. Pontikes, Esq., Pontikes Law LLC , Boston
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Lunch (on your own)
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Lunch (on your own)
1:30 - 2:15 pm
2:15 - 3:00 pm
Energy Law
Energy Resources
on demand video Add to CartThe changing landscape of energy resources and facilities -
Energy Projects
on demand video Add to CartOvercoming barriers to renewable energy projects in the current market -
3:00 - 3:10 pm
Networking and Refreshment Break
3:10 - 5:00 pm
Significant Evolving Practice Areas
Trends in Municipal Law
on demand video Add to CartArticle 97, Dover Amendment, Municipal Vulnerability Planning and related local issues -
Transportation from an Environmental and Energy Perspective
on demand video Add to CartUpdate on environmental and energy implications of projects in progress and proposed to address our transportation needs -
Brownfields Redevelopment & 21 E Update
on demand video Add to CartThe latest in practice for hazardous waste cleanup and brownfields redevelopment, including important policy updates -
Climate Change: Update on Mitigation and Adaptation
on demand video Add to CartNew Massachusetts regulations and programs; Status of regional and federal programs
Eric Allbright, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , BostonJason B. Barshak, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , BostonKenneth Callahan, II, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , BostonDeirdre A. Hosler, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , BostonMichael D. Memmolo, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, BostonDesiree Y. Murphy, Esq., CVS, Pharmacy/Legal Dept, WoonsocketJody L. Newman, Esq., Lovett O'Brien LLP, BostonLiliana Palacios-Baldwin, Esq., Tufts University, MedfordC. Max Perlman, Esq., Gunderson Dettmer , BostonRebecca G. Pontikes, Esq., Pontikes Law LLC, BostonKatherine G. Rigby, Esq., Epstein Becker & Green, BostonJames S. Weliky, Esq., Messing, Rudavsky & Weliky, PC, NewtonMichael A. Zeytoonian, Esq., Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, BostonEllen J. Zucker, Esq., Zucker Law Group, Boston