Tuition for the full course of study, including 72 hours of online instruction, the accompanying self-assessment quizzes, and expert evaluation of your capstone project assignment, is $895 plus a subscription to the
MCLE OnlinePass®. This is the entire tuition - there are no hidden costs. And beyond the value you derive from the interactive trainings, assessments, and capstone learning, there is a significant value in being mentored - it is the sort of professional development experience that money can't buy.
In return for your one-time tuition fee of $895, you get:
• Extensive Training. Assure your clients that you have received extensive training in estate planning and administration matters and distinguish yourself from other practitioners.
• Results-Oriented Learning. After completing the programs and modules, analyze a hypothetical fact pattern, prepare an estate plan, and assemble related documents so as to maximize your learning and demonstrate your skills.
• Personalized Expert Feedback. Receive one-on-one feedback throughout the capstone project from an experienced estate planning attorney. Your mentor guides you - personally - to a deeper understanding of the concepts and techniques you need to know. A unique learning proposition!
• Model Documents and Essential Forms to Build Your Practice. Download the sample documents used in the learning modules, and access over 1,000 other estate planning checklists and forms available through your MCLE OnlinePass subscription. At the end of the program, receive a model set of expertly-prepared documents pertaining to the capstone hypothetical.
• A Certificate of Completion and Website Badge. Obtain your certificate of completion, suitable for framing, and a badge that you can post to your website. Both the certificate of completion and the badge display the year in which you complete the program.
• Directed Ongoing Learning - Even After Your Course is Completed. Keep your MasterClass certificate of completion up to date and stay abreast of developments in the law by maintaining your MCLE OnlinePass subscription and attending MCLE's annual Estate Planning Conference.
• An Opportunity to Learn at Your Own Pace. Complete your MasterClass at your convenience within three years.