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Articles, Forms & Checklists > eArticles


What is an earticle?
Most MCLE earticles are chapters from MCLE's expansive collection of practice manuals. They are available for individual purchase as downloadable PDFs. (OnlinePass subscribers also have access to earticles in online format with clickable links to case citations and in PDF format as part of the subscription.)
How are earticles priced?
Earticles are priced based on the number of pages and whether exhibits (i.e., forms and checklists) are included. The regular, non-member pricing ranges from $25 to $85, plus $5 if the earticle includes exhibits. MCLE members save 10% and new lawyers save 50%.

Technical Information

What are the format of earticles?
MCLE earticles are in downloadable PDF format. Once you download it your computer or tablet, you can save it and print it.
What restrictions, if any, are there on my use of an earticle that I purchase?
Your use of this product is governed by the "MCLE Terms of Use" you accepted during online checkout. You can review them at